About Us

About Us

After inventing the Cardio-pad par Mr Arthur Zang, it was necessary to work as a company which could implement the project at a large scale. HIMORE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT was created in 2014. The company was born from the cardio-pad, and it's in charge to design, to develop and to bring the cardio-pad on the market. HIMORE MEDICAL is a company that designs and manufactures low cost medical devices for hospitals which need to use telemedicine to follow patients..

Our Goals

The primary mission of our company is to help hospitals to provide the same healthcare service for all patients regardless of the place where they live. Our technologies perform data processing and data transmission that help doctor to follow and treat their patients efficiently even if they are in a remote place far from the doctor. Everyday our team works with doctors on the field to design new medical solutions that are suitable for the needs of Hospitals.
