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It is within the framework of Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) that the multinational ADDAX PETROLEUM Cameroon, an oil exploitation company, undertook, in partnership with the Ministry of Public Health and the company HIMORE MEDICAL, a project to strengthen of the technical platform of public hospitals in Cameroon in the fight against cardiovascular diseases. The first phase of this project consisted of deploying 78 Cardio-Pad Kits for the year 2019-2020, in 78 health facilities in the 10 regions of Cameroon.

Particular attention was paid to the most isolated areas in order to allow people who live there to access cardiac examinations, thus avoiding costly trips to cities. The distribution of Cardio-Pads was distributed as follows: 10 district hospitals in the central region, 07 in the eastern region, 07 in the southern region, 07 in the southwest region, 07 in the north-west region, 10 in the coastal region, 08 in the northern region, 08 in the far north region and finally 07 in the Adamaoua region. The second phase of the project provides for the deployment of 192 Cardio-Pad Kits in 182 new district hospitals, distributed as follows: 27 district hospitals in the central region, 17 in the eastern region, 15 in the in the south, 15 in the south-west region, 16 in the north-west region, 16 in the coastal region, 13 in the northern region, 27 in the far north region and finally 15 in the region of Adamaoua. The remaining 10 Cardio-Pads will be intended for the launch of the Mini SAMU. Thanks to these two phases of the project, a total of 270 hospitals have been equipped, now having electrocardiogram recording centers. More generally, this project aims to establish a medical monitoring program for populations in the cardiac field, improve health care and extend the geographic coverage of cardiology services in Cameroon. During the delivery of the Cardio-Pad kits to the various beneficiary hospitals, all representatives of these hospitals benefited from theoretical training allowing them to familiarize themselves with the general concepts of the electrocardiogram, as well as practical training for the getting started with the Cardio-Pad and performing ECGs. At the end of each training course, the Cardio-Pad and all its components were ceremonially handed over to each doctor in the beneficiary hospitals, in the presence of the regional health delegate of the region concerned.

Presentation and description tutorial for the Cardio-Pad

The Cardio-Pad is a medical tablet featuring advanced technology, enabling electrocardiograms to be recorded and interpreted efficiently and accurately, and diagnosis to be transmitted remotely. This medical tablet is equipped with telecardiology features, enabling it to communicate remotely via the GSM network. These features offer a practical solution for remote and underserved areas, where access to cardiac examinations may be limited.


Interpretation at home

This new functionality allows you to interpret Exams remotely via an Android application.

transfer of exams

transfer of exams to cardiologists via whatsapp number


The equipment offers you a secure system.

3298 # Hospitals
2181 # Devices annuals
9316 # Projects
7191 # Country